Sunday, January 13, 2013

A beginning blog

The Upside Learning blog website,, helps instructional designer provide multiple solutions to improve workplace performance offering a variety of technological tools, such as mobile learning.  This blog, points out teaching strategies to create effective learning techniques by using case studies, gaming, and interactive scenarios to make it more relevant to adult learners.

 The Rapid eLearning blog website,,  gives assistance to both, students studying to become instructional designers and novice instructional designers to build eLearning or online courses for training or teaching a class with little or no programming skills. There are three areas of focus (instructional design, visual design, and performance consulting) when designing opportunities for learning.

 The host of this blog is Tom Kuhimann who has 15 years of experience in the training industry and articulate community. Articulate is a software program that allows designers to enhance Microsoft Power Point Presentations by transforming into storyboards and adding audio to it or voice-over-narration

 In addition to the blog, Cathy Moore’s website,, offers endless tools to the industry of Instructional Design. She provides opportunities to participate in online and instructor-led workshops, certificate programs to receive certification in ID and eLearning, examples of how to design eLearning courses and what they should look like, tips on becoming an instructional designer, and a list of clients to connect to find jobs and other pertinent information in the field.
A workshop that I found interesting on her blog was a Training Conference & Expo 2012 to be held in Florida during the month of February. Anybody and everybody in Instructional Design and Training look like they will be attending. There are sessions that are hands-on and workshops to obtain certificates onsite. Keynote speakers will offer learning and development opportunities to stimulate your mind, body, and soul. This seems like a workshop one would not want to miss!  



  1. Hi Shirley,

    Your blog page looks beautiful and very effective! I am particularly intrigued by the information from Cathy Moore's blog regarding the Training Conference & Expo in February. Not this year, but perhaps next year many of us will be in attendance!
    Lorena Bull

    1. Hello Lorena,

      Thanks for your kind words. I do hope we have the opportunity to attend to Conference next your.
